German Sabre Reichswehr ArtillerieSabel n/A, 9th Prussian Reiter-Regiment
German Sabre Reichswehr ArtillerieSabel n/A, 9th Prussian Reiter-Regiment
Origin: Germany | Culture: German | Period: 1916 - End of 3rd Reich
Following the defeat of Germany in WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles, the newly composed Reichwehr army/defense force was reformed and refitted in 1920.
As a result, the n/A model was deemed the most practical and suitable weapon for all mounted units, including cavalry regiments, mounted artillery and support units. It remained the sole official sword for mounted units until the end of the 3rd Reich.
Regimental markings were reapplied for the newly created regiments in 1920, and this sword is marked 2/R.R.9.73. on both guard and scabbard. It also has the 1920 mark on the other side of the guard, comfirming that it was in the inventory to be registered in the 'stocktake' after the armistice, which kept track of how many weapons the Germans were allowed to retain for defence purposes.
Following WW1, all cavalry regiments were disbanded, but their regimental traditions survived within the newly formed regiments that took over their legacy. Thus all squadrons of the Reiter regiments were made up of the remnants of Imperial cavalry units.
2/R.R.9.73. stands for 2nd squadron, Reiter Regiment no 9. weapon no 73.
The Reiter Regiment 9 was created in the spring of 1920 and renamed in March 1921 to the 9th Prussian Reiter-Regiment and created from the following former units:
1st Squadron: 1st Guards Dragoon Regiment "Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland"
2nd Squadron: 3rd (1st Brandenburg) Uhlans "Emperor Alexander II of Russia"
3rd. Squadron: 7th Mounted Jager Regiment
4th. Squadron: 8th Mounted Jager Regiment
Training Squadron: 2nd Guards Dragoons "Empress Alexandra of Russia"
The sabre is also marked "W16" on the spine, for being manufactured in 1916.
For more information about the regiment, please visit this link.