

Thank you for visiting my online catalogue.

I am Mihnea Georgescu, antiques collector & dealer. I have translated my interest in history into a passion for antiques, and modelled my profession around that. I find, buy, research and curate items, and I then help individuals expand their collection in their desired direction.

If you have something to sell, please contact me. Similarly, if you are unsure about an item, I can offer my expertise at no cost.

Everything I sell can be shipped worldwide, and in a cost effective manner. Please contact me with any enquiries.

Thank you for taking an interest in Boyar Armoury.

Mihnea Georgescu

Antique Arms @ Boyar Armoury

Why Boyar?

boyar (noun) - a member of the highest rank of the feudal nobility in many Eastern European states. 

Many boyars considered themselves worldly and educated, eager to explore fashions and histories from across borders. Just like what you would find in a boyar's armoury, I try to offer a true variety of antiques, spanning across continents.